Video Ads

I will create Custom Studio-Grade STUNNING Marketing Video Ads for Any Business and Sales.

About This Service

Get STUNNING Video Ads For EVERY Major Niche You Can Think Of…

As you may know:
  • 81% of businesses use Video as a Marketing Tool — up from 63% over the last year.
  • Those Businesses using Video Marketing grow their revenue 49% faster, year-over-year, than businesses without.
  • 76% of businesses said that Video Marketing has helped them increase traffic to their website.
  • People spend on average 2.6X more time on pages with video than without.
  • 79% of consumers would rather watch a video to learn about a product, than read text on a page.
  • 87% of businesses who use Video Marketing say they use it on Social Media. Of these businesses, 78% say they believe it to be an effective tactic.
  • 9 in 10 consumers watch at least one online video per week
  • By 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic — 15 times higher than it was in 2017.
    This Makes It Clear…Videos Are Not Just Here To Stay– They Are Here To Conquer!
    No matter what your Niche is, your Business out there, irrespective of the market, the niche or the kind of product or service you are are selling… You need a Video.

    Don't Get ripped Off - Introducing AFFORDABLE Video Marketing Service!

    You get better videos for a much lower price and By driving traffic and sales to your offers using stunning Videos created by Professional Video MARKETER.This Video Marketing Service is for any Niche you like with "Call To Action" to match your Business and to get better leads & conversions. This service will also help you with High Click-Through Rates and Deeper Engagements.

    Packages Description: 

    • Up to 60 second Animated Video.
    • Generic Voice Over specific to the Niche or provide your own. OR...
    • Professional Voice Over is added.
    • Royalty free Background music if requested instead of Voice over. You can also have both.
    • Call To Action.
    • Characters.
    • Scenes.
    • Adding Your Logo / Web URL / Social Media Addresses.
    • Commercial Rights.

    Standard Service


     3 Days Delivery       3 Revisions

    What's Included:

    • Seconds of your Animated Video - Up to 30 seconds
    • Royalty free Background
    • Generic Voice Over specific to the Niche or provide your own.
    • Call To Action

    Premium Service


     4 Days Delivery       Unlimited Revisions

    What's Included:

    • Seconds of your Animated Video - Up to 60 seconds
    • Royalty free Background
    • Generic Voice Over specific to the Niche or provide your own.
    • Call To Action
    • Voice Over with your provided text

    Compare Package

    Package Standard
    Seconds of your Animated Video Up to 30 seconds Up to 60 seconds
    Royalty free Background
    Generic Voice Over specific to the Niche or provide your own.
    Call To Action
    Voice Over with your provided text
    Total $100